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Writer's pictureZubair Ahmedi

7 days quitting porn Challenge

So you have been addicted to watching porn, and it doesn't seem like you can live without watching porn.

Well, Your story is not any different than mine, I was watching way more porn than you can ever imagine, but I was able to quit it. ( I did it for 2 months)

So that's why I wanna share this 7-day quitting porn challenge with you, if you can do it, you will be able to ditch porn right away.

7 days quitting porn challenge

prepare yourself for the upcoming 1 week, becuase it's gonna take some work from you, and also it will completely change your life.

I want you to do it for a week at first because completing the whole month looks very difficult, Even impossible to fapers( Who do masturbation). that's why i want you to do it for one week only and see the results.

Ok, Let's jump into your first week of not watching porn.

Day 1:Know Why You Watch Porn

Mostly when you want to quit porn, You don't have a very good reason to quit it. Because people don't exactly think about why they watch porn? and what will happen if they left it?

That's what you should be asking yourself When you are on the point of quitting porn.

We Watch Porn Cause We Enjoy

You watch porn, Becuase you enjoy it, and the level of enjoyment porn gives you is the heights in all.

I mean there is nothing on the earth more enjoyable than watching porn, that's why leaving it becomes so hard.

Quitting porn means, You are going back to an average and boring life, Which you don't wanna do.

That's Dopamine

When we watch porn, our mind releases chemicals called Dopamine. This dopamine makes us happy and enjoyed.

And the worst thing is watching porn releases more amount dopamine than everything else.

So that is why when you wanna do something else rather than watching porn, You feel bored and it feels so hard.

Dopamine Is Motivation Factor

This dopamine is responsible for your motivation.

See, Why would you work hard at something? The only reason is, Because you want a good life. A life where you can enjoy.

Everything ends at enjoy, So when you have watched porn When you already achieved

the highest level of enjoyment, Why will you work hard at something else anymore?

That is why your motivation will always be down When you watch porn.

So What I Wanna Say?

The only thing that I mean is, if you wanna be motivated, Energized, and want to live a purpose full life, you need to quit porn.

Understand this, if you are good at watching porn, You are worst at all other things. That's the reason 1 you are going to quit porn.

Day 2:Commit To Quitting Porn

Everything starts at some point, So does your quitting porn journey.

I know quitting porn is difficult, You can't remain 5 minutes without watching porn, But do remember,

Great Things Never Come Easy.

If you wanna do something bigger and better, You have to be ready to face hardships. You need to convince yourself that it's not gonna be easy.

And whatsoever you are not going to watch porn again.

Write It On Piece Of Paper

I know you can commit to quitting porn in your heart, But that's not enough. Write it!

When you write something, You believe it more than when you just think about it. Writing something on paper gives you more power.

It's similar to the idea of writing goals, Experts always advise to write goals on a paper, Because when you write something on paper, It means you are serious.

That's for your 2nd day, Sacrifice this day convincing yourself that you can do it.

Day 3: Know Your Triggers

When you open Instagram and see nude girls/boys, You are gonna switch to watching porn.

You can't control yourself in such situations, You have to stay away from these things.

Clean Your Phone

This is your third day, and it's going to be the most important of your days. You have to clean your phone from all of the dirty materials.

This means Deleting all nude pictures, Your search history, unfollowing porn models and websites.

Spend your day removing these triggers from your cell phone, Becuase if you are committed to quitting porn, and you just see a spark of nudity, You are gone!

You have to stop it before it appears to you, You are extremely vulnerable to nudity, You can't handle it, that's why making it inaccessible is important.

Use Fortify App

There are many other apps that you can use for getting rid of bad habits, but i haven't used them, so i ain't gonna talk about them.

Fortify has good ratings at first, They have got 4.9 out of 5, Which's huge, It's telling the success of the app.

And you can discuss your own experience ( only when you purchase a premium) but you can use it for free too.

you can track your days, weeks, and months, I found it helpful, And i think it will be good for you too.

Day 4: Become Social

Get out and get to know people, talk to them, because you need it.

When you are on the phone through the day, You are not gonna quit watching porn, that's practically not possible.

Because with the push of one search, you can watch it, and you have to defend it while watching at the screen.

That's practically not a good idea, get out and meet people.

Well, there are exceptions for those people who have to be present on the net all the time, Like me, I do blogging, so I can't leave my laptop at any moment.

So what I can do is to be in a place where others sit too, I mean I should not hide in a room where I am alone.

Everything comes with a solution if using the internet is important, use it, But be in front of your family members.

Day 5: Take Exercise

There is energy inside your body, that wants to come out in some form.

Now it's dependent on you, How you are gonna utilize that energy, If you don't do anything productive, then be ready to face negative actions.

Because the energy inside your body is not gonna stay calm, It has to come out in some form, So why not use that energy for good things.

Play With The Dopamine

you can beat porn by playing with dopamine, Here is what I mean.

When you take exercise, you will feel better ( Even if it is just a simple walk) it will produce dopamine, which will make you happy.

That's where you can actually beat porn, You need to do something that will replace the habit of watching porn.

If you replace watching porn with doing complex mathematics, It's not gonna work, Math is boring, porn is interesting.

Whatever you are going to replace porn with, It must be something enjoyable, So go out take a walk, and see the effect.

Day 6: Share With Someone

everyone has a story, Which they keep secret and desperately want to tell people about it. But they can't!

And the reason is Shyness. We feel shy when talking about porn and doing masturbating, we don't share these stories.

When I talked to my friend about it, I was too surprised to see that he had the same story and wanted to get rid of it.

So together we are able to help each other, and actually, we got rid of watching porn. You need the company of someone when quitting porn.

Grab your favorite person in this world and share your story.

Day 7: Punish Yourself

We are human, and we are meant to do mistakes, it's okay.

But if you wanna change your habits, then you gotta take care of yourself and punish for your mistakes.

Take the example of the army, When training they are punished so hard for each mistake that they do, Well, They know making mistakes is our nature, but we can reduce them as much as we want.


When you watched porn and masturbated, the next day you are going to punish yourself with one of these things.

  • Don't eat anything the whole day.

  • Give money to charity, more than you can afford ( it should be a burden on you).

  • Run for 1 hour.

The best option is giving money to charity because it's the most difficult thing I have ever done. ( although I paid half than I intended lol)

Final Words

quitting porn is going to be challenging, I want you to keep in mind and accept it.

Becuase you have been doing it for years(probably), and now you wanna quit it abruptly, That's scary.

The habit which you created and then did for countless hours is not going away in the moment, it's gonna take hard work.

and I assure you, If you really commit to it, You will get it, Ther is nothing like impossible, I was once at the point, Where I believed, I can't leave it, but thank god, i left porn for 2 months.

you are not any different from me, I want you to take this challenge, and each time you fail, punish yourself, and come with a stronger commitment.

That's it for today, hope that was useful.

If you are gonna take this challenge, then raise your hand.


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