There are many exercises that you can do for strength, but there is nothing that can beat plunk, So that is why I came up with this 30 day plunk challenge.
Why Should You Take This Challenge?
plank is absolutely a great exercise for muscle strength,
1) It reduces back pain
If you have a kind of back pain, Then doing plank is the best option for you, It has the ability to remove the back pain.
2) Core Strength
When it comes to building core strength plank wins again, and yeah with the plank you can get a six-pack abs too.
The yogiapproved says,
The plank strengthens the rectus abdominis (visual “six-pack” muscles), transverse abdominis (deep core stabilizing muscles), and the internal and external obliques (hip and back mobilizing muscles).
3) Better Posture
Are you among those people, who always lean their body forward and feel tired, Then plank is for you.
Having a good posture signals that you are confident, and you can improve it with the plank, The good posture means your chest is always outwards, and your head is high.
That's what makes a good posture, So let's plank.
Well before you take the challenge, let's know how you can do a perfect plank, here is the illustration in the video.
How many Reps?
As a general guideline, Doug Sklar, a certified personal trainer and founder of PhilanthroFIT in New York City, recommends striving to do three sets of up to 60 seconds. “It's OK to start with shorter sets and work up to 60 seconds,” he says. Plus, shorter planks can still give you a solid workout, Sklar says.
So the goal is 60 seconds with 3 reps.
The 30-day plank challenge for beginners
So here we go, let's just get started with the 30-day plank challenge.
Day 1: 10 Seconds
I want you to start plank with 30 seconds, There are many challenges out there that directly start with 20 seconds.
Well, those are not for you, if you are a complete beginner, start with just 10 seconds and then gradually increase it.
Day 2: 12 Seconds
Start lower, and then increase with little by little, don't jump to 20 seconds directly it will hurt you for 3 reasons.
your body is not ready for it.
Next time you won't feel like doing it.
You will leave the challenge.
So don't just take a very jump. Go slow and steady.
Day 3: 15 Seconds
It's your third day, and you are going to be able to hit 15-second planks, that's it do it.
Day 4: 16 seconds
Day 5: 17 seconds
Day 6: 18 seconds
Day 7: 22 seconds
It's the end of the week, and you have already trained your body to some level and you are ready to hit a little jump.
here you need to hit 22-second planks because your practice is being done, and now you should challenge yourself bigger ( after all this is a challenge)
So don't be afraid to hit your best.
Week 2,
In this week, you should focus on increasing your planks more than you did in the previous week,
here you should be able to add 3 more seconds to the plank each day, Which if you compare to the last week were 1,2 seconds addition.
So get stronger, get ready for it, you have got a little tough time now.
Day 8: 24 seconds
Day 9: 28 seconds
Day 10: 32 seconds
Day 11: 35 seconds
Day 12: 37 seconds
Day 13: 40 seconds
Day 14: 41 seconds
Wooh, Congrats, you are able to do a plank for a complete 41 seconds, That's huge, If you can carry it, you will be able to see great changes in your body.
41 seconds is not that big thing, but for you as a beginner it really means something.
Week 3,
Well, you have to hit the target of 1 minute, and increasing more would be good but not easy.
So that's why I want you to keep this pace through the week, I mean you are not going to go more than 41,42 seconds in your third week.
That's because plank is not easy, and especially after one minute it becomes incredibly hard to hold on.
So your goal for this week is to maintain the pace that you already got.
Day 15: 41 seconds
Day 16: 41 seconds
Day 17: 41 seconds
Day 18: 41 seconds
Day 19: 41 seconds
Day 20: 41 seconds
Day 21: 41 seconds
Week 4,
By the time you have mastered 1 minute, you can hold on for 1 minute pretty easy and you should grow now.
So in this week, we are focusing on a little by little progress, the same way we did in the first week.
The end goal is a maximum of 1 minute and 20 seconds, that's enough for you.
Day 22: 44 seconds
Day 23: 47 seconds
Day 24: 50 seconds
Day 25: 53 seconds
Day 26 55 seconds
Day 27: 60 seconds
Day 28: 60 seconds
The last 2 days
You have reached the target of 1:00 minutes, that's it, just keep this number don't lose it.
I want you to practice this 60 seconds for the next 2 days, and never let the number dropdown.
When the month is passed, then you can choose to go to the advanced version of the plank, That Means do as much as you can.